

  • 【英文缩写】: APCA
  • 【英文全称】: Add Purchasing Card Association
  • 【中文解释】: 添加采购卡关联
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: APCA 相关英文缩写
以上为Add Purchasing Card Association英文缩略词APCA的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
APCA Add Purchasing Card Association 添加采购卡关联
apca anti-parietal cell anti-body 抗顶壁细胞抗体
APCA Air Pollution Control Association 空气污染控制协会[加]
APCA AsociaciÓn de Productores de CafÉ Genuino Antigua (Genuine Antigua Coffee Producers Association; Ant AsociaciÓn de Productores de CafÉ Genuino Antigua (Genuine Antigua Coffee Producers Association; Antigua; Guat
APCA Associação Portuguesa de Controlo AutomÁtico (Portuguese Association for Automatic Control) Associação Portuguesa de Controlo AutomÁtico (Portuguese Association for Automatic Control)
APCA AssemblÉe Permanente des Chambres d\'Agriculture (permanent assembly of the Chamber of Agricul AssemblÉe Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (permanent assembly of the Chamber of Agriculture, France)
APCA Associação Portuguesa de Corridas de Aventura (Portuguese Adventure Racing Association) Associação Portuguesa de Corridas de Aventura (Portuguese Adventure Racing Association)
APCA Associação Portuguesa das Casas Antigas (Portuguese Association of Antique Homes) Associação Portuguesa das Casas Antigas (Portuguese Association of Antique Homes)


  • APCA 添加采购卡关联
  • ASR 自适应频谱侦察
  • ASLC 自适应旁瓣消除
  • AMPA 自适应多波束相控阵
  • AGR 自适应高斯表示
  • AH 自适应超文本和超媒体
  • ADFT 自适应数据融合技术
  • ACAS 自适应上下文感知服务
  • ANSW Adams,Nye,Sinunu,Walker,LLP公司
  • ACWP 实际工作绩效成本
  • ASAS 演员/ Scriptor动画系统
  • ACPM 活动职业计划经理
  • ASCP 主动服务控制协议
  • ASMA 主动地面移动顾问
  • ANDA 主动无损分析